post- tattoo

how do I take care of my new tattoo?

The info below ONLY applies if the tattoo does NOT have a protective covering over it, like Saniderm

Change your sheets

While you sleep you shed skin, sweat and hair. Anything in your bed can come in contact with your tattoo and increase the chances of infection.

Do not use bar soap

Bar soap is not sterile, can hold bad bacteria and can pass bacteria on to your tattoo. Gross. Invest in a small disposable bottle of antibacterial liquid soap.

Application of ointment

Believe it or not, your hands are not clean. After you wash your hands, anything you touch afterwards (door handles, cups, hair, face, the list goes on...) has bacteria on it and therefore your hands become contaminated. You must wash your hands (thoroughly) and your tattoo (gently) with warm water and soap before applying any ointment to your tattoo.


They track harmful bacteria everywhere they walk, lie, or brush against. Wash and reapply ointment after contact with animals. This also applies to anything the animal comes in contact with such as sheets, furniture and clothing.


When you sweat you release toxins which sit on the surface of your tattoo, increasing the chances of infection. After heavy sweating, you must wash your hands (thoroughly) and your tattoo (gently) with warm water and soap and reapply ointment to your tattoo.

Do not wear restrictive clothing

If your tattoo forms a scab do not let it stick to anything such as sheets or tight clothing. A wet scab will stick to anything it dries against. When you pull that item away (sheets or clothing) the scab will pull off with it. This pulls ink out of the skin and can cause scarring and loss of color. 

what types of bandages or ointments can be used to heal a tattoo?

Hydrogel Bandage

This bandage can be left on overnight. After removing the hydrogel bandage (leave on a minimum of 3 hours after applied to tattoo), rinse tattoo with warm water and mild antibacterial soap and pat dry with a paper towel.

Classic healing

Wash your tattoo at least 2 times daily with mild, fragrance free soap and apply a thin layer of ointment. I recommend After Inked Lotion , coconut oil (new, sterile jar), or unscented Lubriderm.

Always wash your hands with antibacterial soap before cleaning your tattoo and use a clean towel to dry it.


If you were bandaged with Saniderm, please leave it on for 1 week before peeling it off. If it becomes irritated, peels back (enough that air can get inside), or if it fills with enough plasma that you are grossed out :) feel free to pull it off before the 1 week mark and use the classic healing guide above.

I typically say if you can get even just 24hrs out of your Saniderm bandage prior to removing it, you have skipped the hardest part of healing.

can i get in the sun?

Do not use a tanning bed or sunbathe for at least a month after getting your tattoo. Use a high SPF sunscreen on your tattoo ONCE IT'S HEALED when in the sun.

can i go swimming?

Do not soak in any waters (lakes, oceans, bathtubs, pools) for at least two weeks after getting your tattoo.

If your skin has healed fully (ie, you are past the flaky stage and there are no open or fresh areas) you can go swimming. But sunlight will still affect your healing so please be cautious with UV exposure.

can i exercise after getting a tattoo?

Avoid heavy sweating in the area of your tattoo for the first week after getting your tattoo.

For the first 3 days of healing I highly recommend refraining from exercise or any activity that gets your heart rate up too high. Risk for ink “blowouts” can happen if tattoo pigment is not allowed time to settle in the skin.